Additional Woody Plants With Scented Blooms

Additional Woody Plants With Scented Blooms
Some trees and shrubs feature fragrant blossoms. These include the fragrant snowball and others.


Native to America, the fothergillas are deciduous shrubs that are related to witch hazel. These are native to the Southeast.

Their height can vary by species. One is only 1 ½ feet tall, while several others can reach 10 feet or more.

In warm areas, such as the lower South, fothergillas will need some shade. Elsewhere, they grow fine in full sun. These experience few problems and rarely need pruning.

The plants provide several seasons of interest in the garden. The leaves bring yellow, orange, or red fall foliage. The alternate, coarse leaves are toothed.

Flowering takes place in the spring. With a scent like honey, these flowers are borne in upright small spikes, several inches wide on zigzag stems.

The blooms can emerge before or with the leaves, depending on the variety. The showy part of the blossoms are the stamens. The small white flowers lack petals. These form clusters, up to 4 inches long. Flowering is usually in April and May.

Fothergillas need an acid, moist, rich soil. Two species are in cultivation with one being larger and the other dwarf.

Fragrant Snowball

These are lovely shrubs or small trees. Hardy to zone 6 or so, depending on the species, they prefer a well drained light soil.

Fragrant snowball is one species of snowball. It can be a small, upright, deciduous tree or small shrub. It is 20 to 30 feet in height with a spread of 10 feet or so. The plant is the largest of the snowballs.

This snowball blooms in June. The one inch wide fragrant, white, bell-like flowers form pendulous terminal clusters, up to 8 inches in length. This tree is very free flowering.

The tree might take a few years before it begins flowering the first time. So be patient with it.

The oval dark green leaves are up to 8 inches in length, and are the largest seen on the snowballs. These turn yellow in the fall. The foliage can partially conceal the blossoms.

Fragrant snowball prefers an acid soil. This is hardy to zone 6.

When planting a fragrant snowball, select smaller plants as they are more likely to survive the transplanting process.

There is a native species called American snowbell. This is found in the Southeast. Hardy to zone 6, The big leaf snowball is also native to the Southeast and is hardy to zone 7.

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