A Whale of a Tale - Just beautiful, you feel as if you are actually there and can feel the cold coming off the snowy mountains in the background! ~Linda
A Whale of a Tale - Perfection. ~Patricia
Brown-eyed Susan - Just lovely. These remind me of my Mom. She loved brown-eyed susans and daisies. So cheerful and bright. This made my day! ~stacey
The Last Bee in the Field - Amazing! ~Connie
M C Escher Visits The Rooms - Andrew, Unique way of looking at architecture. Did you put the man there on purpose? Great photo. Congratulations. ~Kim Rumford
Not a Mozzie - It is absolutely beautiful. ~Rosalind
Orange Embrace - Wow! Great pic. ~Connie
Castle Fireworks - I feel like a kid again! Thanks Al for the wonderful memories. The beauty of Cinderella's castle will stay with me forever now, thanks to you... ~stacey
Great Blue Heron Feeding Chick- Love this picture it is amazing ~bjhuff
Gnarled and Crooked Tree - My first glimpse made me gasp! Gorgeous. ~Connie
Lost and Found - Beautiful story, you must write more. ~Nana Nina
The Dancer - Excellent piece....i love how in the end Hortensia both realizes the magic of dancing but is also undone by her isolationist tendencies.....a surprisingly nice balance- ~ken
Three Wishes - Outstanding! Enjoyed every minute of the story! Well done! ~susen
13 Ways of Looking at My Sister - Wonderful poetry of sisters growing together through pain and joy. Last verse has fine metaphor of bath filling and silence ending, in simile fulfilling. 13 is a lucky number, here. Enjoyed this intimate admittance into your lives. ~poetrywatch
13 Ways of Looking at My Sister - There is so much love and sadness; it's very powerful. ~Rosemary
13 Ways of Looking at My Sister - I am very close to my sister. This poem rang true for me straight to the heart. ~Elizabeth
Meditation on a Chemical Death - this is simply poignant. the usage of flowers throughout the poem makes "Meditation on a Chemical Death" all the more tender. It touched my soul. ~stacey
A Meditation on Chemical Death - I remember once seeing a museum piece on the interior of the human body and was shocked by how much it resembled a coral reef. So much of your description honors this. The horrible power of cancer contrasts with the simple beauty of what still exists. I am very moved. The last line is a wonderful ending--brilliant. ~Rosemary
Linoleum and Laminate - Excellent poem, you have scratched out a manifesto indeed . ~KF
Linoleum and Laminate - I like the idea of big soul-questions vs linen and coffee, and realized in third verse. I also like the idea of gods ignoring the poetess, and leaving herself to self finding answers. The ending verse nicely recapitulates the piece. ~poetrywatch
Linoleum and Laminate - So many of us struggle with these feelings. I have never read it described with such good humor and so acuarately. ~Rosemary
Listen - "moth" brings zen-moment of awareness to this poem. Nice. ~poetrywatch
Listen - I forget that silence can be hard to bear. Your poem reminded me. Well done.
Living Stains - Stain vs no-stain: Life. ~poetrywatch
Living Stains - What a perfect poem that describes the story of my life! ~Cindy
Mid-life - "picking old knots" nice metaphor for maturity unraveling past negatives. Poem indicates the "next twenty-five" will be better, as poetess sets upon new weave. Nice mid-life poem. ~poetrywatch
Only the Seasons Change - This is the best poem I've read in some time. Spring is unfolding. Everything is new and fresh, yet old and tired. ~Cherie
Only the Seasons Change - This poem, spoken from the heart, is strangely uplifting, a sense of peace within the writer with clear observation of the outer reality. Thank you. ~Virginia
Sayville - Thank you. You caught a memorable moment beautifully. ~Sue
Senryu Duet - My GOD I love this poem. It packs so much intensity into so few words. I am in awe. ~Haddayr
Tethered - I love the sense of both characters in this poem, the sense of the apparent and the secret truths. The last lines work particularly well. ~Rosemary
The Guy On The Saxophone - Every line of this is marvelous. ~Rosemary
The Logger - this poem, "The Logger" cuts to the core of a daughter's love for her father. By the end of the piece, I had come to love him, too. All the sights, sounds and smells pulled me in. I wanted to be wrapped in his big flannel covered arms. ~stacey
The Weary Mahout - Wonderful take on what I read as mind waking up. Poetry in the service of Buddhist teaching, employing imagery most poetic. One bows to the poetess. ~poetrywatch
The Weary Mahout - What a beautiful vision of the synergy between man and beast. ~Sue
This Is Not Who I Am - Makes me miss the woods even more. Great poem. ~Eric
This Is Not Who I Am - This is an excellent example of fine verse...Very rhythmic and takes on a life of its own ~Mamabear
This Is Not Who I Am - I particularly like how you tie this together in the last line. ~Rosemary
This Is Not Who I Am - I enjoyed your poem. I feel much the same way--having moved from forest to city many years ago. ~sue
Turning Toad - Mothers never really grow up. Well done!!! ~701wizz
Turning Toad - Pumpkins to carriages as she dances herself older . . . There are so many wonderful images here, witty and true. ~Rosemary
Turning Toad - I enjoyed this very much. especially I’m not sure when my warts came, how I learned to crouch and wait, sticky-tongued, for movement. ~sue
Untitled / Anita Simpson - I am enthralled and chilled by the line "Words can´t frame the fear I can´t control" and was sent assured with the final line of this touching and haunting poem. ~ES
Your Wired Head - Lovely write, Rob, with fine metaphoric language and poetic imagery. Like how you shift easily between the personal set of circumstances of the girl and large panoramic perspectives of nature, land and geology. ~poetrywatch
Your Wired Head - Bittersweet, wonderful -- what a perfect slice of truth. ~Rosemary
Winter Solstice 2011 Table of Contents